Hi! My names Steven and i'm a junior

  • Web Developer and Programmer

Im currently a student at

  • Central Michigan University 2020Central Michigan University Logo

With a major in

  • Computer Science101010101

I previously attended

  • Mid Michigan Community CollegeMid Michigan Community College Mascot

Where I was an officer of the two year honor society

  • Phi Theta KappaPhi Theta Kappa Logo

Some of my skills are

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript and C++Gold Star

They are demonstrated in my projects listed below ↓

picture of me


Wikipedia Searcher

Search bar that will show you all the wikipedia articles relating to your term. Gives you a brief description as well as a link to the page. Created using the MediaWiki API

Local Weather App

Gets your location using ipinfo API and portrays your local weather information using data from the Dark Sky API.

Random Quote Generator

Generates random quotes at the touch of the button and provides a button to tweet the quote.

Tribute Page

My first free code camp and bootstrap project.

CSS Zen Garden

Created using all CSS and a template HTML file. My first web design project.

Contact Me